Hot Knives

The wife forgave the mistress for she only entertained

The pain was gone the instant she cleared her throat to speak her name

Said, "Both of us must suffer from the same unending ache"

The world was not of interest though her days were never dull

Her bed, beneath a crucifix, on guests performing miracles

With the son of God just hanging like a common criminal

When I do wrong, I am with God, she thought

When I feel lost, I am not at all

So give me black light, so give me hot knives

On a dance floor, no one tells time

Oh, I've made love, yeah, I've been fucked, so what?

I'm a cartoon, you're a full moon, let's stay up

She went to see a mystic who made medicine from rain

And gave up her existence to feel everything, dream others dreams

Bid farewell to her family with one ecstatic wave

Out the window, as the car rolled away

She just vanished into a thick mist of change

So let us rejoice in all this pink noise

An oscillation that we can pinpoint