As Joseph was a Walking (The Cherry Tree Carol)

As Joseph was a-walking

He heard an Angel sing:

"This night shall be the birth time

Our gracious Heavenly King;

He neither shall be born

In housen nor in hall,

Nor in the place of Paradise,

But in an ox's stall."


"He neither shall be clothed

In purple nor in pall;

But all in fair white linen

As wear sweet babies all.

He neither shall be rocked

In silver nor in gold;

But in a wooden cradle

That rocks upon the mould.

"He neither shall be christen's

In white wine nor in red;

But with the fair spring water

With which we were christ'ned."

As Joseph was a-walking

He heard an Angel sing:

"This night shall be the birth time

Our gracious Heavenly King;
